All posts by Mike
Looking towards Devil’s Den from Little Round Top, Gettysburg, Pa.
Little Round Top (left) and Big Round Top
Looking east towards the Pennsylvania Memorial, Culp’s Hill, and Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, Pa.
Confederate reenactors wait in the treeline before participating in a reenactment of Pickett’s Charge.
Reenactors rest in the shade of the 8th New York Cavalry Regiment monument along McPherson Ridge in Gettysburg
A scenic from last night’s luminaria at the Gettysburg National Cemetery
Fiddlin’ George plays as the Confederates march to Pickett’s Charge. Gettysburg, Pa.
Plebes stand during the singing of Navy Blue & Gold after taking the oath of office at the Naval Academy.
“I thought I was out…”
Unlike Michael Corleone though, I was happy to get pulled back in. Back when I worked at The Free Lance-Star, I had a photoblog going and I was posting regularly, sharing what I saw from assignments and from around the edges. Then I left the paper, took a job on the picture desk at Military Times and wasn’t shooting regularly. And I wasn’t shooting personal work so there was little to get excited about and even less I wanted to share. Now I’m a staff photographer again and I thought that perhaps I should get back on the blogwagon. So stayed tuned for some new stuff.